Walk Free+MSA whistleblowing mechanism (revised)+NICHOLAS DEAKINS LTD.+2021+Discussion

pg. 16


Implemented the welfare workers committees within the UK warehouse site and increased the numbers of those trained to meet its need for internal capacity building training and specialist support. Created a strategic response unit, incorporating key stakeholders at the Rochdale warehouse; demonstrated awareness and commitment to addressing human trafficking and forced labour by revamping all material, i.e. posters through the warehouse. Implemented video streams of examples of modern slavery in key areas of the warehouse.

Partnered with Unseen and updated posters throughout the site with the helpline number and confidential reporting avenues.

Following the roll-out of updated training throughout the head office businesses, retail operations and subsidiaries will be included during 2021 culminating in a modern slavery awareness project launch across the businesses in October 2021 which will include a podcast to encourage interaction and to reach all employees at all levels."

Singh Anjali.....2021-11-25 07:48:40 UTC

"Partnered with Unseen and sponsored their helpline which will give our employees a confidential 3rd party reporting facility 24 hours a day." p.14

Laureen van Breen.....2021-12-15 18:42:17 UTC

"JD recognises the importance of our direct and indirect workers and those in the extended supply chain. It is important that they can raise any issues of concerns with either JD personnel or an escalation team in confidence and safety." p.19

Laureen van Breen.....2021-12-15 18:46:08 UTC

No evidence of whistleblower protection to direct employees. Thus, unticked.

JD personnel or escalation team is evidence of focal point for both direct employees and supply chain workers (see above and p. 19). Thus, I checked focal point for suppliers' employees.

Sofia Gonzalez De Aguinaga.....2022-01-11 17:18:18 UTC

Data copied from JD Sports Fashion plc for 2021