Question: Does the company describe a grievance mechanism to facilitate whistle-blowing or the reporting of suspected incidents of slavery or trafficking?
Walk Free

Page 36 "As part of its scoping exercise, MFG identified that employees that are involved in management, procurement, recruitment and accounts payable had direct exposure to supplier conduct. Accordingly, these employee groups were assigned an extra module reinforcing the importance of the due diligence process MFG had implemented. To support and reinforce MFG’s training program, department-specific modern slavery training sessions were conducted. Key themes of this training included identifying and reporting modern slavery (for example, using avenues such as MFG’s whistleblower policy)"

Anna Hall.....2022-12-18 23:43:27 UTC

Although statement mentions they have a whisteblower policy, no evidence in statement confirming this involves protections for workers who raise grievances.

Gabby.....2023-02-22 03:00:09 UTC