Walk Free+MSA whistleblowing mechanism (revised)+Capgemini UK+2021+Discussion

"Our “SpeakUp” policy details our ethics helpline and is a natural extension of our values-based culture and high ethical standards. It is a web and phone-based ethics reporting, incident management and

advisory tool, hosted by an independent service provider and managed by Group Ethics and supported by our global network of Ethics & Compliance Officers and Human Resources (HR) investigators. SpeakUp is voluntary, confidential, and allows anonymity, unless stated differently by a country’s local law which is detailed within the policy. It is made available by Capgemini to our team members,

customers, suppliers and business partners."

Ananya Mukherjee.....2022-11-02 23:48:17 UTC

pg. 5

“Employees can raise questions, issues, or concerns at any time with their representatives; the CWC ensures that the employee voice is heard and has real credibility when discussing issues with senior leaders”

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“SpeakUp is voluntary, confidential, and allows anonymity, unless stated differently by a country’s local law which is detailed within the policy. It is made available by Capgemini to our team members, customers, suppliers and business partners. SpeakUp is a commitment from Capgemini to listen to voices when raised in good faith to be fair when investigating an alert, to respect organisational justice and maintain confidentiality; and to protect the reporter from any form of retaliation.”

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“Building on our commitment to foster a positive and inclusive workplace, our internal “Respectfully Us” programme, launched in 2019, drives a programme of activity that encourages all of us to stand up to inappropriate behaviour in all its guises by ‘breaking the silence’. We have trained independent inclusion & Respect Ambassadors across the UK business. Employees can approach the Ambassadors informally, as trusted advisors, with any concerns to look at ways to resolve inappropriate behaviour in a respectful and open way.”

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“In addition, since 2017 we have maintained a dedicated email address that employees can use to email questions or concerns, or indeed ideas and experiences, around modern slavery. The email address modernslavery.enquiries.uk@capgemini.com is monitored daily by Capgemini UK's Modern Slavery Lead, Maria Hughes.”

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“SpeakUp is the companies web and phone-based ethics concern reporting and incident management tool which is available to all parties both internally and externally. In addition, we have a specific modern slavery email address, modernslavery.enquiries.uk@capgemini.com for any questions or concerns any employees may have. Any issues raised will be captured in a central repository and monitored and tracked until a satisfactory resolution as per the process.”

Manali Rana.....2023-03-27 08:34:03 UTC