2021 | Broadspectrum | MSA whistleblowing mechanism (revised)
Does the company describe a grievance mechanism to facilitate whistle-blowing or the reporting of suspected incidents of slavery or trafficking?
Whistleblower protection (direct employees),
Whistleblower protection (supply chain workers)
updated over 1 year ago by Nneka Onyeka

See page 10 - "Consistent with Ventia’s commitment to maintaining a culture of integrity, we uphold a Whistleblower Protection Policy. This Policy enables the protection of any parties reporting business concerns, including actual or suspected misconduct within Ventia and our operations. The Policy applies to Ventia’s current and former employees, directors, contractors and suppliers, including employees of contractors and suppliers and any third-party participant in our supply chains."

Nneka Onyeka.....2022-11-15 17:36:20 UTC