Question: Does the statement describe training for staff that is specifically geared towards detecting signs of slavery or trafficking?
Employees (all),
Training provided - not specified to who
Walk Free
MSA training (revised)

Since, code of conduct includes RS policy and RS policy includes modern slavery. Hence, we have considered Code of conduct training in relation to MS training.

pg. 10

"Our Code of Conduct, Fraud, Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy and Team Member Speak Up Program are communicated to all team members through mandatory training."

"Code of Conduct How we expect team members (including contractors) to behave towards each other, our customers and the broader community. References compliance with the RS Policy and has details of our Team Member Speak Up Program"

pg. 13

"Responsible Sourcing Policy

Sets expectations for our operations and all direct suppliers in relation to human rights and responsible sourcing, including modern slavery"

Since, Human Rights Program includes modern slavery. Hence, we have considered Human Rights training in relation to MS training.

pg. 29

"Consider providing human rights training to the Speak Up service provider"

pg. 2

"During the investigation and remediation process, our team was guided by a number of our Human Rights Program principles:

• identifying actual or potential situations of modern slavery demonstrates that our program is effective.

• where potential situations of modern slavery are identified, we will always do the right thing, which means acting in the best interests of potentially affected workers. "

pg. 33

" Policies include a Code of Conduct, Respectful Workplace Policy, Compliance Policy and Whistleblowing Policy. Procedures include pre-employment screening, including confirmation of working rights, and training relevant team members on modern slavery mitigation practises."

Manali Rana.....2022-12-30 07:11:49 UTC

pg. 3

"Team member training on modern slavery, prioritising those managing higher risk categories

Continue in F23. Developed four bespoke modules designed to build awareness of the risks of modern slavery and labour exploitation in our supply chain. Roll out will commence in F23. "

Manali Rana.....2022-12-30 07:17:04 UTC

Removed in-development answer option as the training has already started, but they don't identify specific employees.

theresah.....2023-02-24 12:32:45 UTC