Question: Does the statement describe training for staff that is specifically geared towards detecting signs of slavery or trafficking?
Training provided - not specified to who
Walk Free
MSA training (revised)
Western Digital
Verified by Community check_circle

Page 3

"Our commitment to ensuring our sites and supply chain maintain fair labor practices extends well beyond our regular audits. We routinely train employees and suppliers on key issues in this area. In FY2023, we continued collaborating with our industry peers to sponsor supplier trainings and engaged with third party trainers. The trainings focused on the following topics:

• Part I: Manifestations of Forced Labor Indicators in the Global Supply Chain and RBA Updates

• Part II: Workshop: Mitigating Forced Labor Issues/Risks – Fixing the Past and Risk Proofing the Future

The trainings were attended by Western Digital employees as well as 66 key suppliers".

Claire Summerer.....2024-03-19 05:57:02 UTC