Question: Does the statement describe training for staff that is specifically geared towards detecting signs of slavery or trafficking?
Procurement / purchasing,
Recruitment / HR,
Training provided - not specified to who,
In Development
Walk Free
MSA training (revised)
Tesco PLC
Verified by Community check_circle

- Updated our colleague training to reflect evolving risks and

include new case studies

- required attendance for suppliers at tailored modern slavery training hosted

by Stronger Together

- developed training and tools to help suppliers manage the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on both their operations and workers. (pg 16)

- provided additional training to social auditors, focusing on responsible recruitment and the detection of recruitment fees (pg 19)

- Ongoing promotion of our modern slavery e-learning training to commercial colleagues, including those responsible for procuring labour and retail labour services. (pg 20)

Annaliesa Wood.....2021-11-04 20:17:04 UTC

pg. 7

"To mitigate the impact of these delays, we updated our training materials with additional case studies, ensuring key colleagues that continued to be based within our operations on a day-to-day basis were equipped with the skills and knowledge to identify modern slavery. Feedback from colleagues was that case studies based on previous Tesco investigations furthered their understanding of how labour exploitation and/or modern slavery can manifest itself within our business."

pg. 20

"This year we continued to run online training targeting the colleagues in our business (see figure on page 21) who have direct contact with workers in our own operations and supply chains, including:

• Tailored modern slavery training for UK colleagues in distribution and fulfilment, including distribution managers and people partners. This training is updated annually to ensure our case studies remain relevant, as we recognise that risks of modern slavery are complex.

• Ongoing promotion of our modern slavery e-learning training to commercial colleagues, including those responsible for procuring labour and retail labour services.

To date we have trained almost 800 Tesco colleagues on modern slavery, including more than 85% of UK Technical Managers. We receive qualitative and quantitative feedback on all the training we deliver.

We continue to require all Tesco suppliers, including service providers such as labour agencies, based in the UK to attend ‘Stronger Together’ training. This requirement also includes the second-tier suppliers of our key UK food suppliers. Over the past six years, 2,195 representatives from our food supply chains have attended this training. We also strongly encourage all fruit and wine producers to attend ‘Stronger Together’ training in South Africa with 529 individuals trained to date. In 2021 we also mandated the completion of the Stronger Together Progress Reporting tool for all UK based suppliers. Using this online self-assessment, companies can track the progress they have made in addressing modern slavery risks and identify the next steps for their businesses and supply chains, to ensure their approach continues to evolve."

pg. 24

"• Provide additional training to ethical auditors on modern slavery and responsible recruitment."

Singh Anjali.....2021-12-06 06:35:46 UTC