Since Code of Conduct and human rights includes modern slavery, we have considered training in relation to it.
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"All joint venture operators have clear public policies which oppose the occurrence of modern slavery (Human Rights Policy and Code of Conduct), consistent with Shell’s position and expectations."
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All Shell staff undertake regular refresher training on our Code of Conduct and Ethics and Compliance policies."
"As described above, attention to modern slavery and related human rights issues is an integral part of our contracting and procurement process. Training is provided for the Contract Management Team to gain visibility on current and accurate supplier information."
"In 2021, we continued to deliver a rolling program of training for Shell staff on our global procurement process, including guidance on when and how to undertake assessments of suppliers. In addition, our e-learning tool on human rights is available to all Shell employees and Shell contract staff. It includes both a specific supply chain and worker welfare case study to further enhance understanding of our due diligence processes to manage labour rights and modern slavery in the supply chain."