Question: Does the statement describe training for staff that is specifically geared towards detecting signs of slavery or trafficking?
Employees (all)
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MSA training (revised)
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Pandora did not specify the training in relation to modern slavery and human trafficking. page 3, "...we offer our suppliers' ongoing dialogue and training on issues such as safety, health and environmental management, national/ international worker rights and human rights..."

Sigit Kurniawan.....2017-09-25 10:50:35 UTC


Lucia Ixtacuy.....2018-05-18 14:21:08 UTC

PANDORA’s Suppliers’ Code of Conduct is an enforced part of ourcontracts with third party suppliers, stipulatingthat: “The provisions of the code extend to all activities and workers, including workers who are engaged informally, on short‐ term contracts, or on a part-time basis. Suppliers must ensure that the Code of Conduct is also observed by subcontractorsinvolved in production processes of final manufacturing stages carried out on behalf of Pandora”; and “Suppliers must, in addition to meeting the provisions of this code, comply with all national laws and regulations...”.2

PANDORA’sinternalCode of Ethics stipulatesourethical aspirations as a company and the rights, duties andexpectationstoouremployeeswithin areas such as human and workers’ rights, anti-corruption and environmental stewardship. The code hasbeen distributed to all our people worldwideand is accompanied bygroup wide training and a mandatoryE-learning module.3

Aileen Robinson.....2021-03-05 16:43:53 UTC