Question: Does the statement describe training for staff that is specifically geared towards detecting signs of slavery or trafficking?
Procurement / purchasing,
In Development
Walk Free
MSA training (revised)
Unverified - Added by Steward
updated 2 months ago by Aureliane

Page 6: " Human rights training in fiscal year 2022 was conducted via e-learning under the theme Respect for Human Rights in the Value Chain. In addition to addressing human rights issues that need attention as OMRON conducts its business globally, the presentation also explained the newly formulated OMRON Human Rights Policy."

Page 6: "To promote understanding of sustainable procurement amongst our suppliers, we have created training materials and promoted e-learning courses. In fiscal year 2022, 61 people from 18 Chinese suppliers".

Hope Sherwin.....2024-02-21 15:12:26 UTC

Company's employees:

"With the aim of promoting fairness, integrity, and honesty in business practices, OMRON specified October of each year as “Corporate Ethics Month”. During this month, messages from top executives regarding business ethics are delivered to employees and executives of OMRON Corporation and its subsidiaries throughout the world. These messages are delivered in 11 different languages. Other activities include workplace training." (p. 6).


"As for procurement operations, the OMRON Group Management Policy stipulates, “OMRON Group companies shall fulfill their corporate social responsibility by promoting comprehensive sustainable procurement practices on a global scale, including consideration of the environment, while complying with laws and regulations.” This also includes protection of human rights, and prevention of forced and compulsory labor. To set forth the procedures for implementing this policy, we have established the “OMRON Group Rules for Procurement”. Currently, we are working to instill these rules across the OMRON Group by sharing information at meetings involving the purchasing officers of all OMRON Group companies and by giving briefings to each factory’s purchasing department." (p. 6).

Martina Carlino.....2024-03-15 16:48:32 UTC

In development:

"During SF 1st Stage, we will ensure that global employees are familiar with and understand the OMRON Human Rights Policy." (p. 8).

Martina Carlino.....2024-03-15 16:49:51 UTC

I removed "Employees (All)" since the training delivered to employees is not explicitly about modern slavery and it is not clear whether all employees received it.

Aureliane.....2024-04-05 12:16:36 UTC