Question: Does the statement describe training for staff that is specifically geared towards detecting signs of slavery or trafficking?
Employees (all),
Procurement / purchasing
Walk Free
MSA training (revised)

p.3: "At Nintendo, we conduct the following training to inform employees about human rights topics. All employees are notified of the Nintendo Human Rights Policy, which is included in the codes of conduct and compliance manuals for each country. It is also introduced to new employees of Nintendo Co., Ltd. (Japan), as part of their training. Training on human rights is also conducted at our overseas subsidiaries. For example, at Nintendo of America Inc., employees receive annual training on our Code of Business Conduct. Nintendo of America Inc. also conducts ongoing training and education on human rights for employees engaged with our supply chain and business partners. At Nintendo of Europe GmbH, all new employees receive training on the Code of Conduct, which includes sections on protecting human rights, compliance with the UK Modern Slavery Act and non-discrimination and equal treatment. Refresher trainings on these subjects are conducted periodically for all employees of Nintendo of Europe GmbH. Nintendo Australia Pty Limited regularly implements training on the Australian Modern Slavery Act for all employees involved in procurement."

--> doesn't seem to count, because it is not specifically about signs of slavery or trafficking

Jasmin Kreutzer.....2024-03-06 11:11:01 UTC