p.6: "In FY2022, we continued to conduct training on human rights for alldirectors and employees in Nikon group companies in Japanthrough e-learning as in the previous period. The completion ratewas 92%."
p.7: "In Europe, we had training sessions on modern slavery and humantrafficking, targeting employees who are in the functions to hirepeople, to procure/purchase goods & services, to maintainoffices/shopfloor. In total 151 employees completed the training inthe Netherlands head office and UK branch office, Optos plc, NikonMetrology UK Ltd., and Nikon X-Tek Systems Ltd.In addition, we conducted training of RBA Code of Conduct atNikon's production facilities and production companies in andoutside of Japan.Employees of our procurement departments/sections andprocurement partnersFor our supply chain, we hold annual explanatory sessions for ourprocurement partners to inform them about Nikon Group'sprocurement and ESG policies and approaches, as well as topromote compliance with the "Nikon CSR Procurement Standards"."