Walk Free+MSA training (revised)+NICHOLAS DEAKINS LTD.+2021+Discussion

pg. 13

"• Key stakeholders in UK and global supply chain trained in identifying modern slavery risks."

pg. 16

"Upwards of 230 personnel within the UK Distribution centre and key subsidiaries have been trained as welfare champions and sponsors. The JD Academy is building on line modern slavery training to reach those in retail and subsidiaries on how to identify modern slavery in the supply chain and the business.

This training will be interactive and include podcasts from key personnel in senior positions. Welfare champions have been carefully selected across the UK business to provide first line support to colleagues on issues relating to general health difficulties and to support the detection and appropriate escalation of potential modern slavery matters. An escalation process is in place within the head office business and a critical response team set up which is headed up by the Head of Sourcing QA & Ethics and the Head of HR Operations. Working with The JD Foundation partners training has been provided by Young Minds, Kidscape and Papyrus to address wider issues which present due to stressful situations not be restricted to modern slavery alone, but are exacerbated by circumstance."

pg. 17

"During 2020 JD Group partnered with Unseen, joining their on-line portal and sponsoring the modern slavery helpline. Audits are undertaken both on the global and UK supply processes. During 2019/20 the Group focused on the Rochdale warehouse site which during peak season can reach 6,000 employees on site. We are rolling this out to our retail operations during 2021 with related training on modern slavery.

Training and raising awareness is a critical element within any business and extended supply chains. Building on the capability of key employees who have been given the increased responsibility for understanding and mitigating modern slavery risk in our business is important. This training is now incorporated not only in existing staff training but within the induction of new employees to the business. Modern slavery is now an integral part of the process and will be supported with Unseen material in induction packs.

This year the training has been delivered by the in-house training academy in workshops to UK personnel in the buying functions, sourcing & supply chain teams. This will continue on our E-learning platform and Zoom presentations. The training covers two key areas which are deemed to be the most important to our group; preventing exploitation and practical steps for procurement.

Objectives from the training sessions are :

• To understand modern slavery and forced labour

• Recognise the indicators

• Know how to deal with potential issues and have in-depth knowledge of the company escalation processes

During 2020/2021 this is to be integrated into the business and become a core part of management training in retail. JD have recognised that high areas of risk within our UK business model is the distribution centre and the retail stores. We aim to roll this out to further areas of the owned businesses during 2020. This will continue to be part of the induction process for all new employees."

Singh Anjali.....2021-11-25 08:29:19 UTC

"JD have worked with QIMA, our 3rd party auditor, to deliver training to all their China based auditors through their E-Learning platform which involves passing a final test to demonstrate understanding. We will work on adapting and translating this to other languages and roll it out to all their sites but we recognise extensive research is required in order to deliver this correctly." p.17

Laureen van Breen.....2021-12-15 19:05:02 UTC

Data copied from JD Sports Fashion plc for 2021