2022 | Mondrian Investment Partners Limited | MSA training (revised)
Does the statement describe training for staff that is specifically geared towards detecting signs of slavery or trafficking?
Employees (all),
Procurement / purchasing,
Training provided - not specified to who
updated 11 months ago by Manali Rana

pg. 1

“Mondrian’s Statement is available to all staff and Mondrian provides training to staff to ensure that they are aware of Mondrian’s commitment to prevention of modern slavery.”

pg. 2

"Mondrian ensures that new employees’ have Compliance and Risk Induction which includes a section on Mondrian’s Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement and Mondrian’s commitment to preventing modern slavery and human trafficking through its own business and its supply chains.

The training has a specific focus on:

• What is Modern Slavery and Mondrian’s commitment;

• Teaching willingness to take a stand to correct or prevent any wrong activity; and

• To conduct business in full compliance in accordance with the highest ethical standards and all applicable laws and regulations.

All employees with responsibility for supplier procurement or management receives appropriate training on their obligations pursuant to Mondrian’s Statement, to ensure that Mondrian’s suppliers carry out their business in alignment with Mondrian’s Statement. In addition, the Compliance and Risk team provides on-going advice and support to all employees as required."

Manali Rana.....2023-06-21 07:13:26 UTC