Question: Does the statement describe training for staff that is specifically geared towards detecting signs of slavery or trafficking?
Procurement / purchasing,
Training provided - not specified to who
Walk Free
MSA training (revised)
Unverified - Added by Community
updated about 2 years ago by Gabby

It states to to provide the training to relevant internal teams, thus it does not explicitly mention to whom the training is provided. pg. 9 "We use this framework to develop Human Rights Action Plans for priority raw material supply chains. We have developed a Practitioners’ Guide to the CARE Framework, and we train relevant internal teams in applying the framework" pg. 14 "Tailored training is provided to relevant teams internally. " pg. 12 "As part of our commitment to building supplier capability, we periodically engage suppliers in awareness raising and third-party training initiatives in order to drive continuous improvements. All of our Mars Commercial Associates are expected to take our Next Generation Supplier training course, which includes content on our human rights standards and expectations of our suppliers, including with regard to forced labor." pg. 15 "This work includes forced labor training by third party experts – including awareness raising materials for suppliers, guidance on contract...

Lucia Ixtacuy.....2022-06-24 12:28:49 UTC

pg. 11

We are investing with other global brands to support

robust training for labor providers in the Gulf Region, to provide

practical, customized capacity building to improve recruitment


pg. 14

In 2018, we updated our Practitioner’s Guide to Human Rights in Sustainable

Sourcing, with detailed guidance on activating our CARE Framework and

developing human rights action plans, including elements related to forced

labor, where relevant. In 2019, we launched additional guidance material

focused on how procurement teams can engage suppliers as they develop

approaches to address key risk factors. This is supported by a range of tools

and templates launched in 2020, including a roadmap to help understand

supplier management systems and how they can be progressively

strengthened. Tailored training is provided to relevant teams internally.

pg. 15

Mars and other companies across the industry are designing

approaches to address these forced labor risks and to support governments

in their response, with technical input from Verité and others. This work

includes forced labor training by third party experts

– including awareness

raising materials for suppliers, guidance on contracting, and integration of

forced labor risk indicators into existing child labor monitoring systems.

Sascha.....2022-07-04 01:12:04 UTC

PG. 21

Continued to deepen our capability building and

learning support to our direct suppliers and in specific supply

chains. This includes funding new training launched by Verité

for palm oil producers, supporting training to address forced

labor risks for suppliers in the cocoa sector, and launching new

internal training at Mars to equip procurement leaders to

understand and take action across our human rights programs.

More than 700 Associates have been trained in our Supplier

Code of Conduct, our Next Generation Supplier Program and

our overall approach to addressing human rights issues to date,

including content related to forced labor risks and remediation.

Sascha.....2022-07-04 01:14:31 UTC