pg. 3
“HSM also makes available to suppliers training on modern slavery in labour sourcing.”
pg. 5
“Human Trafficking: All hotel-based Team Members are required to complete training on how to identify and report signs of human trafficking (see relevant sections below).”
pg. 6
“To support this requirement, in 2019 we created training and resources for our hotels and labour providers on the risk of modern slavery in labour sourcing, and we continue to update these resources and supplier communications.”
pg. 7
“Our safety and security teams and outside partners routinely train hotel Team Members in person on identifying and combatting human trafficking on a risk basis.”
“We continued to roll out our e-Learning training on the key risks of modern slavery in labour sourcing. The training module is available to all Team Members, and mandatory for all Hilton Employees in EMEA who are key decision-makers in recruitment and outsourcing decisions (i.e., General Managers, Human Resources, Procurement, Finance).”
pg. 9
"100% Procurement leads in EMEA have taken the training in risks of modern slavery in labour sourcing"
pg. 9
"100% Hilton HSM Team Members have been trained in responsible sourcing, including human rights risks in the supply chain"