Question: Does the statement describe training for staff that is specifically geared towards detecting signs of slavery or trafficking?
Employees (all),
Procurement / purchasing,
Recruitment / HR,
Walk Free
MSA training (revised)
Verified by Community check_circle

Page 12, "All HPE employees must complete annual training on the HPE SBC. All new employees must complete SBC training shortly upon joining HPE, which includes our Global Human Rights

Policy, our salient risks, and how to escalate or raise concerns without fear of retaliation. The SBC specifically prohibits child labor, prison or forced labor, and physical punishment throughout our operations, or those of our business partners or suppliers. The SBC requires, and associated annual training emphasizes, the importance of employees treating others with integrity, respect, and fairness."


Page 14, ". Since 2017, HPE has promoted training courses provided by RLI to suppliers and recruitment agents for additional training and guidance on industry standards."


Page 8, "Our SER team partners day-to-day with our buying teams across the company on SER topics, concerns, and messaging; and regularly train our buying teams on our commitments, supplier requirements, responsible purchasing practices, and workers’ feedback and risks related to topics such as forced labor and working hours."


Page 1, "We are incredibly proud of our leadership in the fight against modern slavery. The Thomson Reuters Foundation has twice recognized HPE for its leadership in combatting modern slavery in our supply chain and operations, awarding HPE the inaugural Stop Slavery Award in 2016 and recognizing our efforts again in February 2021, making HPE the only repeat winner of the award."


Page 6, "Engage HPE leadership in promoting our standards and approach to modern slavery, both internally (e.g., awareness building and sponsorship for employee volunteer opportunities to support modern slavery initiatives) and globally."


Suppliers- no direct training offered but they require them to page 6 "All suppliers and supplier facilities globally that are involved in manufacturing HPE’s products, packaging, parts, components, subassemblies, and materials, or involved in processes related to that manufacturing, and all suppliers that provide services to or on behalf of HPE, are bound to adhere to the standard. The standard also establishes requirements for the use of employment contracts and recruitment, travel, and processing fee reimbursements."

Melissa Lederle.....2024-03-06 09:35:46 UTC