Page 10 - for procurement staff
Page 11/12 - for suppliers
Page 14 - training in development (for managers)
Procurement staff:
"To achieve the strategic goal of sustainable procurement, we regularly deliver CSR training to all procurement staff. This training covers supplier CSR agreements, red lines, processes, and audit practices related to CSR in procurement.", (p. 10).
"Huawei regularly provides sustainability training and coaching for our suppliers to facilitate their continuous improvement for sustainability performance.", (p. 11).
"Huawei has also hosted numerous supplier conferences and training programmes in which representatives from key suppliers are required to attend, both at global and at regional and local levels. Huawei has incorporated Modern Slavery into the agenda of these conferences and practices with the aim of increasing awareness throughout our supply chain of the risks", (pp. 14-15).
In development:
"Huawei has recognised that there are further opportunities to include Modern Slavery as a periodic topic within the agenda of management meetings both locally and at the corporate level. Huawei is looking to take this a step further in developing an internal awareness programme for managers to ensure Modern Slavery is fully understood within the workplace and that all employees are aligned not only with Huawei’s position on Modern Slavery but also with what they can do to assist in ensuring it never occurs within our operations.", (p. 14).