Question: Does the statement describe training for staff that is specifically geared towards detecting signs of slavery or trafficking?
Employees (all),
Walk Free
MSA training (revised)
HP Inc
Verified by Steward check_circle

Pg10. Our employees are trained annually on Integrity at HP, with a training completion rate of more than 99% of active employees.


- No info on who conducts it and how often.


HP's supply chain capability building program conducts regular workshops on the RBA Code of Conduct and educates suppliers on our Supply Chain Foreign Migrant Worker Standard.

Becky.....2024-02-04 11:31:33 UTC

on training for employees: "The training sets out our company expectations that all employees comply with integrity at HP, which prohibits the use of child, prison, forced, or trafficked labor in HP operations. HP also provides several human rights training and opportunities to increase employee awareness on human rights, including an informational training on human rights, and a training on HP's human rights commitments of and conformance to the HP Supplier Code of Conduct and specialized labor standards, including ways to identify and address the risk of modern slavery."


on supplier training: "HP's supply chain capability building program conducts regular workshops on the RBA

Code of Conduct and educates suppliers on our Supply Chain Foreign Migrant Worker Standard. We also

launched a digital-based foundational rights and responsibilities training, including workplace policies,

workplace dialogue, health and safety, as well as COVID information, which aims to ensure workers understand

the rights to which they are entitled."

Julia Noronha.....2024-02-06 08:48:43 UTC