
"A mandatory e-learning course for Supplier Managers, which includes content on modern slavery and human trafficking."
Modern slavery and human trafficking masterclass sessions were delivered to specialist Financial Crime colleagues and
Lloyds, Halifax and Bank of Scotland branch colleagues.
Through our membership of Transparency International (TI), and in order to raise external awareness of the links between tackling modern slavery and anti-bribery, colleagues from our Financial Crime team delivered a
presentation in November 2017 to fellow TI members.
Introductory training for all Group Sourcing colleagues on the requirements of the Modern Slavery Act and the risks of slavery
and human trafficking. The content from this training is also available for colleagues to replay and to download for future reference.
Annual Anti Money Laundering mandatory training, which 98% of colleagues completed in 2017. This included references to human
trafficking as a predicate crime and provided a specific modern slavery case study as an example.
Suppliers- Guidance on modern slavery risks which is available through our online supplier management portal.
[[Kate Forster]].....2019-11-28 08:45:59 UTC

Annual Anti Money Laundering mandatory training, which 98% of colleagues completed in 2017. This included references to human trafficking as a predicate crime and provided a specific modern slavery case study as an example.6
[[Aileen Robinson]].....2021-03-19 16:23:11 UTC