There is no updated 2022 statement. The 2021 statement does not sufficiently address this question.
p.4: "Our employees and members of our extended workforce are trained on our Code of Conduct. The trainingcovers topics such as how to conduct due diligence to identify and avoid working with third parties thatengage in modern slavery or other illegal practices. Employees in roles related to hardware suppliermanagement complete an online training course on our Supplier Code of Conduct and SupplierResponsibility Program. Our extended workforce managers also complete an online training course on ourSupplier Code of Conduct. Both online trainings include guidance on modern slavery red flags,anti-modern-slavery best practices, and how to report modern slavery concerns.In 2022, we developed and launched an online modern slavery training course for our supplier managers inbusiness units identified as high risk based on our 2021 modern slavery risk assessment. The training covered modern slavery indicators prevalent in industries pertinent to our supplier base, worker populationsmost vulnerable to modern slavery, and sample risk scenarios involving modern slavery indicators.Thetraining also explained how supplier managers can better understand the risk profile of the suppliers they manage and how to report concerns.In 2022, we assigned select suppliers, including those subject to audits, to complete interactive e-learningmodules on topics, including Labor, Health and Safety, and Preventing Forced Labor. Over 100 supplierscompleted these trainings"