2018 | Fossil Group, Inc. | MSA training (revised)
Does the statement describe training for staff that is specifically geared towards detecting signs of slavery or trafficking?
Training provided - not specified to who
updated about 3 years ago by xokucfrd

Fossil group, Inc "provide training to their factories related to the Manufacturer Code and the applicable laws in the country in which the factory is located" with specific attention placed on the eradication forced labour. Fossil group also allow an open channel of communication with suppliers to answer any questions they may have on the "Manufacturer Code".

Jonathan Dane.....2018-10-22 10:59:38 UTC

We provide training to our factories related to the Manufacturer Code and the applicable

laws in the country in which the factory is located. The training provides the factories

with a more in- depth explanation of the Manufacturer Code. Specifically, we address the

section within the Manufacturer Code on forced labor, allowing the factories to ask

questions to ensure they understand this particular section.2

xokucfrd.....2021-04-30 08:44:32 UTC