Question: Does the statement describe training for staff that is specifically geared towards detecting signs of slavery or trafficking?
Employees (all),
Procurement / purchasing
Walk Free
MSA training (revised)
Verified by Steward check_circle

Following the introduction of the UK Modern Slavery Act, CSC has strength-ened its global policies and procedures combatting human rights violations to explicitly target modern slavery and human trafficking. These policies include:• CSC’s Code of Business Conductand accompanying employee training material • CSC’s Responsible Supply Chain Principles, accompanying guidance, employee training material, and supplier training material.1

CSC employees are required to follow our Code of Business Conduct and report any concerns on modern slavery to management, to the CSC Ethics and Compliance Office or to CSC OpenLine. In addition, staff must complete annual training on the Code of Business Conduct.1

Aileen Robinson.....2021-03-26 11:36:26 UTC

A training program is being created for the global supply chain team on the implementation of the Responsible Supply Chain Principles, including how to identify modern slavery/human trafficking risk indicators.1

Aileen Robinson.....2021-03-26 11:37:13 UTC