Question: Does the statement describe training for staff that is specifically geared towards detecting signs of slavery or trafficking?
Employees (all),
Recruitment / HR,
Walk Free
MSA training (revised)
Verified by Community check_circle

As a member of RISE, we are committed to implementing workplace trainings at strategic partner facilities and leveraging the organizations industry-wide and data-driven solutions to positively impact a greater number of women workers within our value chain.



New employees are provided with a copy of the Employee Code upon hire. All employees are required to undergo compliance and ethics training, including with respect to the Employee Code, upon hire, and on a bi-annual basis thereafter.



Our Compliance Program includes training materials for suppliers on the Supplier Code and Migrant Worker Policy, including best practice guidance for compliance with our standards. We are committed to continuing to engage in capacity building with our direct suppliers to enable these business partners to cascade our relevant policies to their own supply chain. We will provide additional training resources to our direct partners around specific moderns slavery risks identified during our ongoing due diligence audits and assessment as may be appropriate.

Suejin Kim.....2024-11-07 04:21:07 UTC