"All PVH associates are required to complete compliance and ethics training, which includes the review and certification of our core policies, upon hire and annually thereafter... Additionally, in fiscal 2022, we conducted mandatory modern slavery training for selected associates involved in supply and procurement-related activities. Members of our CR team and other PVH associates attend external training programs and seminars on social compliance issues, including forced and child labor."
"In support of our Migrant Worker Policy, we developed materials and practical tools to help suppliers improve their management and recruitment systems relating to migrant workers. These materials are also used in our supplier training courses in high-risk jurisdictions."
"All PVH associates are required to complete compliance and ethics training, which includes the review and certification of our core policies, upon hire and annually thereafter... Additionally, in fiscal 2022, we conducted mandatory modern slavery training for selected associates involved in supply and procurement-related activities. Members of our CR team and other PVH associates attend external training programs and seminars on social compliance issues, including forced and child labor."
"To ensure that 100% of migrant workers in our Level 1 and key Level 2 supplier facilities do not pay recruitment fees, all suppliers and licensees in high-risk jurisdictions are required to complete a set of modules and quizzes, hosted on the RLI e-learning platform, on forced labor and recruitment of foreign migrant workers. We also require that key personnel at all factories we or our suppliers use in high-risk jurisdictions complete the suite of trainings on forced labor on the RLI e-learning platform when the factories are on-boarded."