Question: Does the statement describe training for staff that is specifically geared towards detecting signs of slavery or trafficking?
Recruitment / HR,
Training provided - not specified to who,
In Development
Walk Free
MSA training (revised)
Verified by Community check_circle

Pg 16 - Canon carries out online human rights awareness training and a total of 33,100 people had completed the training in 2022. On page 20, Canon disclosed that it had conducted internal stakeholder workshops to review the top 100 high or medium risk suppliers. The workshops were facilitated by external experts and covered suppliers in the following categories: - logistics, facilities, information and communication technology, marketing and HR. Further awareness training to leadership teams, and the production of a short video aimed at heightening the awareness of all employees across Canon Oceania.

Claire Summerer.....2024-02-04 04:35:45 UTC


"It stipulates that Canon will conduct human rights due diligence, establish and operate a grievance mechanism, conduct awareness training, and engage in dialogue with stakeholders in addition to respecting internationally recognized human rights, including the prevention of child labour, forced labour, unreasonable restrictions on movement and excessive overtime work, and also the respect for freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining."

"Canon is committed to further improving its corporate social responsibility within the supply chain by supporting the RBA Code of Conduct and utilising a range of RBA training and assessment tools."

"The workshops also provided education for these internal stakeholders about the particular modern slavery risks related to the suppliers in their category and how to identify areas of concern.

Further awareness training to leadership teams, and the production of a short video aimed at heightening the awareness of all employees across Canon Oceania."

"Conduct training for all Canon Oceania employees based on human rights and modern slavery training developed by Canon Inc and Canon Europe. The training will focus on risks specific to our region and our activities, including how to recognise and report areas of concern."

Pooja Yadav.....2024-03-27 08:22:38 UTC