Page 5, column 2, final bullet point: "we conducted training programs dedicated to improving the capacity of our teams to understand, identify and manage the risks of modern slavery in our operations and supply chain"
Since, human rights include forced labour. We have considered training in this regard.
pg. 10
“We have determined that the range of BHP’s most salient human rights issues and associated risks across our taxonomies includes:
Labour rights, including: – Forced / compulsory / bonded labour – Child labour – Wages and benefits – Working hours – Working conditions”
Pg. 15
“During FY2022, over 400 employees and contractors, as well as employees of some of our business partners and community partners, completed our online human rights training. We also publish an ‘Introduction to Human Rights’ video at”
“Our Corporate Affairs and Commercial teams who lead our operational and supply chain human rights practices completed further human rights training with an external expert to better support their capabilities to identify and address human rights risks and impacts. Our Board of Directors also participated in a human rights training session led by an external expert to enhance their understanding of the increasing complexity and connectivity of human rights issues, including those related to climate change and Indigenous peoples.”
“We deliver annual training to help our workforce understand Our Code and the standards of behaviour that are acceptable at BHP. In FY2022, over 70,000 employees and contractors, as well as employees of some of our business partners and community partners, completed the annual training.”