Question: Does the statement describe training for staff that is specifically geared towards detecting signs of slavery or trafficking?
In Development
Walk Free
MSA training (revised)
Verified by Community check_circle

pg. 7

“Induction training: We have developed induction training for newly onboarded suppliers and factories which includes a section on Modern Slavery to give a general overview and a practical checklist for factories to pre-screen on-site. So far, this has been completed by 4 Vietnam suppliers and 22 China suppliers.

Future training: Training continues to be a key focus for us. Over the next year, we plan to:

• Relaunch our business-wide online modern slavery training.

• Provide focused training to our internal teams including our 3rd party logistics providers, procurement and operations teams who deal with day-to-day non-stock supplier engagement.

• Provide training to workers within major non-stock locations on labour rights and grievance mechanisms, in collaboration with grassroots organisations.”

Manali Rana.....2023-01-21 11:28:24 UTC

'Our priority this year will be delivering training on modern slavery to our procurement, operations, and 3rd party logistics teams in partnership with Anti-Slavery International. This will support our teams in their individual roles in identifying and addressing any labour rights issues in our supply chains and enable meaningful ongoing engagement with our suppliers.' - 15

Peter Wallace.....2023-01-27 01:50:42 UTC