Walk Free+MSA training (revised)+Apple Inc.+2019+Discussion

All Apple employees and interns are required to complete mandatory, annual Business Conduct

training that includes education on key points in Apple’s Anti-Human Trafficking Policy. 10



2019, we engaged over 950 suppliers with digital training content.

In addition to online resources, Apple deploys experts to train and support suppliers on site to

resolve immediate issues and improve their management systems to prevent recurrence.

Introduced in 2016, the Supplier Responsibility Subject Matter Expert team comprises more

than 30 experts with robust industry experience and knowledge to solve both management and

technical issues, including in the recruitment and management of foreign contract workers and

prevention of forced labor. The team has worked with suppliers in China, Taiwan, Vietnam, India,

Thailand, Indonesia, the Philippines, Korea, Malaysia, Japan, and Cambodia.

Certain suppliers, such as those that provide retail janitorial and facilities services to Apple

stores and other sites, also receive specialized training related to human trafficking prevention

and ways to mitigate risks associated with debt-bonded labor that are specific to the service

supply chain. 11

Gabby.....2022-05-06 04:56:18 UTC