Walk Free+MSA training (revised)+Akamai Technologies+2022+Discussion

"End of 2022 Akamai developed a training module on modern slavery to raise awareness on what are the various forms of modern slavery, provide the tools to identify it, and how to report suspected modern slavery violations. This training module has been rolled out in early 2023 and it is available to all employees, being mandatory to those employees who are involved in the procurement of goods and services from our suppliers, which are the groups that most likely could come across any modern slavery issues. During this year we will be closely monitoring completion of the training by this group."

Muhammad Muakhkhir Putra.....2024-01-25 02:39:59 UTC

"The company mentioned training module has been rolled out in early 2023 and it is available to all employees." Hence, in development considered."


"Through the RSCP, Akamai provides training to help educate employees about the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking in our supply chain and in our business."

Pooja Yadav.....2024-04-10 10:54:39 UTC