Question: Does the statement describe training for staff that is specifically geared towards detecting signs of slavery or trafficking?
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MSA training (revised)
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updated about 2 months ago by Pooja Yadav

Acer UK pursues conformance with RBA's Supplier Self-Assessment Questionnaire and Supplier On-Site Audits through risk assessments, supplier audits, supplier declarations, and training.

Isabella Summerer.....2024-02-12 01:59:14 UTC

There is no specific mention of addressing risks of modern slavery outside of addressing the supply chain.

Isabella Summerer.....2024-02-12 01:59:41 UTC

The details can be found in the Sustainability Report:

"Suppliers: Vocational Education and Training

....we encouraged on-the-job training for suppliers and their employees and selected 12 ODMs as pilot sites for the ESG training program. The initial scope is set to implement the RBA Code of Conduct (including: labor rights, environment, safety and health, ethics, etc.) and anti-bribery policy.


Implementation of internal controls and human rights education & training:

Training on personal data protection and privacy-related issues is provided to new recruits at the time of their employment"

Nabilla Khansa Naura.....2024-03-11 07:30:22 UTC


"Supplier training: We take to heart our responsibility to educate our suppliers and make sure they are up to date with the latest international concerns. Acer holds the Supplier Conference for ESG each year. The conference is the time when we announce the global trend and targets that we expect our suppliers to meet, which is in line with international practice. At the conference, we communicate with our suppliers about the RBA Code of Conduct, major noncompliance of on-site audit and main global labor issues, such as the issue of conflict minerals. We will continue to communicate and cooperate with our suppliers in order to bring the collective strength of Acer's supply chain to bear on social and environmental issues. We are taking a more proactive stance and looking at the big picture as we investigate sustainable development issues that require our response."

Pooja Yadav.....2024-03-22 07:56:20 UTC