Walk Free+MSA supply chain disclosure+Listers Group Limited+2017+Discussion

Within the Lister's group statement they talk a lot about the supply chain. For example, they are committed to prohibiting slavery and human trafficking in "all areas of the supply chain." They also talk about how they have "examined its supply chain" to identify any slavery or human trafficking risks and they also say how they have contacted the relevant employees of Listers Group engaged in the supply chain and made them aware of their commitment towards the "Modern Slavery Act 2015." This information is all very promising however, they do not state any examples of their suppliers they're talking about and nor do they give any detail on the geographical location (i.e. where operations happen) of their suppliers or supply chain. Therefore, just merely stating the words supply chain doesn't identify suppliers and/or geographic regions.

Jaydah Blake.....2017-10-17 17:04:18 UTC