Question: Does the company’s statement name the suppliers in their supply chain and/or the geographic regions where their supply chain operates?
Walk Free
Apple Inc.
Unverified - Added by Community
updated about 2 years ago by Gabby

Page 6, "To further strengthen implementation of our Prevention of Modern Slavery Standards, we use a specialized bonded-labor auditing process in certain high-risk environments, such as in high-risk geographies, in areas where employment of foreign contract workers typically occurs, and in the case of first-time audits of suppliers. Each assessment includes an Apple employee and a third-party auditor. In 2018 specialized debt-bonded labor audits were conducted in Taiwan, Vietnam, Thailand, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, and the United Arab Emirates."

Brian Egan.....2022-04-17 20:35:33 UTC

Apple also continued to support the International Tin

Association’s International Tin Supply Chain Initiative whistleblowing mechanism in

the DRC that allows people to anonymously voice concerns in their local language related

to the extraction, trade, handling, and export of minerals so allegations of misconduct

can be surfaced and reported.5

Gabby.....2022-05-05 02:59:37 UTC