Question: Does the company continuously monitor suppliers to ensure that they comply with the company’s policies and local laws?
On-site visits (self- reporting)
Walk Free

The company explicitly does not mention the audit of suppliers and on-site visits, but this statement is relevant to the on-site visits.


"The inspection plan includes a risk assessment, conducted in the first phase by the various managers, also according to the composition of the industrial supply chain in terms of supply and subcontracting, and any critical issues detected by them or by the functions responsible for the second-level controls during the periodic inspections required by the Qualified Vendor List procedure.

The analysis performed during the inspections, which follow a six-month schedule, completes other controls carried out in previous phases and those foreseen by the Qualified Vendor List procedure, thus strengthening the control over the industrial supply chain, ensuring compliance with the Code of Ethics and current regulations.

The results of the inspections are reported to the various managers so that a corrective action plan (Remediation Plan) can be drawn up in the event of breaches or partial breaches of the criteria standards, and corrective actions are identified that the supplier must implement over a period of time that varies according to the irregularity found. In the event of serious breach, or the supplier's inability to ensure a positive outcome in the prescribed time, termination of the supply relationship is evaluated."

Pooja Yadav.....2024-06-15 11:43:31 UTC