2021 | OVO Energy | MSA risk management (revised)
Does the company continuously monitor suppliers to ensure that they comply with the company’s policies and local laws?
Audits of suppliers (self- reporting)
updated over 1 year ago by theresah

Page 5.

"Third Party audit arranged by your supplier- Yes"

No explicit mention of audits or on-site visits in the OVO statement on modern slavery and human trafficking

Jack Loura.....2022-11-07 05:32:26 UTC

Page 2 of Statement of Modern Slavery

"Developed the OVO Modern Slavery Approach... This includes activities such as...audit and spot checks."

Jack Loura.....2022-11-07 05:43:56 UTC

first comment is in reference to the MSA summary on the gov.uk website, but this information is not included in MSA statement

theresah.....2022-11-30 14:48:11 UTC