Question: Does the company continuously monitor suppliers to ensure that they comply with the company’s policies and local laws?
Audits of suppliers (self- reporting),
Audits of suppliers (independent)
Walk Free
Unverified - Added by Steward
updated 2 months ago by Aureliane

Page 5: "we conduct a survey by distributing self-assessment sheets. With these, suppliers can confirm their compliance with the “OMRON Group Sustainable Procurement Guidelines”, including observance of human rights and fair labor practices. Based on the results of the survey, we request that suppliers

make improvements as necessary. We conduct assessments for major suppliers every year and once every three years for other suppliers. In fiscal year 2022, we conducted RBA SAQ assessments for 69 major suppliers that we have certified as partners and other 356 suppliers using a self-assessment questionnaire on human rights and labor practices."

Hope Sherwin.....2024-02-21 14:54:30 UTC

Page 4: " the Chinese factory (in Dalian) and the Vietnamese factory underwent a third party audit with the RBA Validated Assessment Program (RBA-VAP)."

Hope Sherwin.....2024-02-21 15:00:09 UTC

"As mentioned above, OMRON conducts assessments using a self-assessment questionnaire that meets RBA standards and also third-party audits for OMRON Group production sites and suppliers every year." (p. 6).

Martina Carlino.....2024-03-15 16:30:43 UTC

I didn't find evidence of on-site visits in the statement.

Martina Carlino.....2024-03-15 16:32:25 UTC