"We monitor our sites, Tiers 1-3 through independent, third-party audits and specialised programmes. In addition, our in-house sustainability team and partner organisation, The Reassurance Network, conduct site visits to promote transparency and assess risk.
"Internal audit and assurance
Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) Standards is a risk area on our Corporate Risk Register and a principal risk in our Annual Report. This helps to ensure that the associated ESG risks are regularly reviewed by senior management and then used to inform our annual internal audit plan and assurance work. The audit and risk team provide ongoing input to the Modern Slavery Working Group. The audit and risk team has adopted an ‘agile’ approach to planning in reaction to any increase in risk or incidents that may occur. Outside of a specific audit, the risk of modern slavery would be considered as part of the scope of other audits, including but not limited to, recruitment, the use of temporary workers, distribution centre audits, sourcing, ESG and organisational ethics (e.g., whistleblowing)."