Question: Does the company continuously monitor suppliers to ensure that they comply with the company’s policies and local laws?
Audits of suppliers (self- reporting),
Audits of suppliers (independent)
Walk Free

pg. 10

“Third-Party Owners

Marriott carries out due diligence and compliance checks on prospective owners, franchisees, joint venture partners, and other significant business partners before entering into hotel agreements, sales, transfers, or relicensing transactions. This process helps Marriott establish a reasonable basis to conclude that the prospective party is an acceptable business partner for the Company and will uphold our commitment to human rights. These checks include research using internal resources to gather background information, automated screening and monitoring tools, and the provision of guidance for our Development, Legal, Owner and Franchise Services, and Global Safety and Security teams. In some instances, the risk factors determine that more comprehensive due diligence review is necessary, including allegations related to human rights abuses, human trafficking, or forced or child labor. In these instances, Marriott engages additional investigative resources, such as third-party investigative firms and comprehensive in-market research. The responsible Executive Vice President or Chief Development Officer reviews all findings.”

pg. 12

"Asia Pacific

In 2021, the Asia Pacific (excluding Greater China) region introduced a digital auditing system for hotel suppliers to replace the previous manual system."

Manali Rana.....2022-12-21 07:15:40 UTC