Walk Free+MSA risk management (revised)+Fuller Smith and Turner plc+2020+Discussion

pg. 3

"Due diligence processes for slavery and human trafficking

As part of our initiatives to identify and mitigate risk we:

- we identify and assess potential risk areas in our supply chains by asking all new key suppliers to provide details of their modern slavery arrangements as part of onboarding;

- we do not engage any new key supplier of goods or services who does not align to our values and does not meet the standards we expect of them;

- we comply with all aspects of UK employment law to mitigate the risk of people in our business being subject to any form of exploitation;

- we have appointed a partner to undertake right to work checks to improve and streamline our onboarding checks; and

- we have procedures in place to allow colleagues to report any wrongdoing whilst offering protection for whistle blowers."

Singh Anjali.....2021-12-28 07:39:30 UTC