Walk Free+MSA risk management (revised)+Dell Inc.+2022+Discussion

64 references to audits; view below for information on self-reporting on-site visits:

"Methods to research allegations include unannounced visits by our social and environmental responsibility (SER) specialists and/or third-party auditors."

Jasmin Kreutzer.....2024-03-04 17:58:48 UTC


"AUDITS: Suppliers are selected for on-site audits based on risk. We target to have third-party audits at all high-risk Supplier sites every two years. Typically, all audits are completed on-site. However, due to ongoing COVID-19 impact, in FY23 we conducted remote audits in some circumstances, as allowed by RBA guidance. This temporary process initiated for remote audits during the pandemic enabled us to adhere to recommended COVID-19 containment measures while protecting the health and safety of the people in our supply chain, assuring the responsible manufacturing of our products, and meeting customer demands.

As part of the audit process, auditors review documents, observe daily work practices, and interview Supplier management, workers, and contractors independently to assess the implementation of the SER standards in the RBA Code. In FY23, auditors conducted 14,711 confidential feedback interviews as part of the audit process.

Our audits are completed by RBA-certified third-party entities to ensure full RBA Code coverage and consistency of interpretation of requirements. Auditors are qualified by the RBA based upon a combination of RBA-specific training, specific relevant industry training (i.e., for certain health/safety or environmental disciplines), and minimum threshold levels of field experience under certified RBA lead auditors. Auditors, including those involved in unannounced investigations, monitor Suppliers' adherence to over 40 provisions covered by the RBA Code, including an assessment of Suppliers' policies and practices addressing human trafficking risks and controls. Auditors also assess Supplier management and oversight of their own Suppliers, with a particular emphasis on labor brokers or recruiters. Auditors are re-certified to ensure up-to-date skills and interpretations. Auditors are trained on RBA Code requirements concerning confidentiality, as well as worker interview skills, particularly for forced labor or other labor issues that workers may be reticent to discuss."

Pooja Yadav.....2024-04-01 05:18:53 UTC