Question: Does the company continuously monitor suppliers to ensure that they comply with the company’s policies and local laws?
Audits of suppliers (self- reporting),
Audits of suppliers (independent),
On-site visits (self- reporting)
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Verified by Community check_circle

Importantly unclear if they do on-site visits with independent outside consulting.

Page 14 - "1. Danone requires in scope Tier 1 suppliers to complete a self-assessment questionnaire. The purpose of this is to evaluate their sustainability performance. As part of this process, they must register on the Sedex (Supplier Ethical Data Exchange) platform (direct procurement categories, as well as third party manufacturers, and producers of promotional items), or the Ecovadis platform (indirect procurement categories). As a result, a scorecard is generated. Both scorecards evaluate labour standards, health and safety, and environment and business ethics dimensions. At the end of 2022, 3,189 supplier entities were registered on the Sedex or Ecovadis platform, and 91% had completed Sedex self assessment or obtained an Ecovadis scorecard. These 3,189 entities represent 2,160 of our suppliers. 2. Danone identifies high risk or high priority suppliers that should undergo an on-site assessment (audit). Since 2020, we’ve used a risk analysis approach that combines risks and spend levels for suppliers of our operating units and global categories. We have developed an in-house human rights risk evaluation for suppliers based on: (i) the inherent country social risk index as identified by Sedex risk tool; (ii) the spend level; and (iii) the purchase category risk. 3. Based on its analysis, the RESPECT team worked with procurement departments around the world to co-develop the 2022 audit plan, selecting 103 high risk or high priority sites. Among them, 85 sites have completed an on-site or virtual assessment, in accordance with the SMETA (Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit) protocol or the Sedex Virtual Audit (SVA) protocol. In 2022, Danone had access to 482 SMETA audits carried out on its suppliers, including by peer companies.4. Once an audit is conducted, it’s our goal to establish regular dialogue with ourTier 1 suppliers. This dialogue puts a focus on their responsible business practices, and monitoring the delivery of critical non-conformances identified by audits - including when audits of shared suppliers are conducted by peer companies. In order to increase the robustness of the supplier remediation plans, the RESPECT team has dedicated resources located in China and Peru. They support suppliers in developing their corrective action plans by providing expert advice, resources and regular engagements, the chief aim being to close audits according to the SMETA methodology."


Page 16 - "In 2022 amongst the critical non-conformities there were seven instances of forced labour, which included: systemic/regular occurrence of wage deductions, recruitment fees paid by workers, practice of compulsory overtime, and unpaid leave. The one child labor case was related to improvements in management systems/policies (age verification records not maintained). In all instances, we have verified evidence of suppliers putting corrective actionsin place or we are continuing to work with suppliers to agreed timescales to achieve this."


Page 23 - "We continue to monitor the human rights performance of our subsidiaries through our Danone Way programme. It’s how we ensure that all entities, at all levels, progress toward our goals. This involves tracking and supporting sustainability performance through quantitative metrics and a set of qualitative practices. Reliability is reinforced by external audits, which are performed by an independent third party."

Allie.....2023-11-02 03:54:51 UTC