Question: Does the company continuously monitor suppliers to ensure that they comply with the company’s policies and local laws?
Audits of suppliers (independent),
On-site visits (independent)
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'Our regular audit protocol calls for on-site audits of certain suppliers to be conducted each year based on our risk assessment findings'


'We also generally conduct announced on-site audits of direct suppliers at least every three years and unannounced audits as the circumstances warrant'


'As part of our regular audit protocol, an independent third-party auditor evaluates, among other things, a manufacturing contractor's compliance with our Supplier Code and applicable laws' P.6

Julia Spicer.....2022-12-09 06:54:23 UTC

pg. 6

"During the on-site audit, the independent third-party auditor will visit and inspect the facility, conduct interviews with supervisors, managers and workers at the facility (without supervisors and managers present), and review relevant books and records of the third-party manufacturer.”

“In calendar year 2022, we resumed on-site audits conducted by independent third parties in line with our regular audit protocol and as a part of our factory compliance program.”

Manali Rana.....2023-01-23 11:13:40 UTC