Question: Does the company continuously monitor suppliers to ensure that they comply with the company’s policies and local laws?
Audits of suppliers (self- reporting),
Audits of suppliers (independent),
On-site visits (self- reporting)
Walk Free


"Adherence to the Principles is included in our contracts with suppliers. They sign a letter of undertaking confirming, amongst other matters, their commitment to the Principles and responsibility to cascade the Principles within their own supply chains. Right from the onboarding stage, they are also required to agree that we may visit and assess their own compliance and that of their suppliers at any time. Before any new supply chain partner is approved, they are risk assessed for social compliance and any indication of forced, bonded or trafficked labour. For raw material suppliers, if during this risk assessment a vulnerable workforce or geographical location risk is identified, a full audit will be completed and the results and the remediation plans (if any) will be evaluated before a decision on providing approval is made. Should remediation be unsuccessful at any stage and a supplier not meet our strict criteria, we do not pursue any working relationship with them."

"Before a new supply chain partner is approved to work with Burberry, we assess its compliance with the Principles and applicable local laws and commitment to uphold them. Such assessment includes an Ethical Trading Audit. We have a team of ethical trading experts within our Responsibility team who carry out ethical audits across our supply chain, and are supported by interpreters and cultural facilitators where required. External accredited auditing agencies are also appointed to conduct audits in some cases. Audits, announced or unannounced, consist of worker interviews, document reviews and site tours, and are repeated periodically to confirm ongoing compliance and continuous improvement. The frequency of audits depends on the level of performance in previous audits – better performing factories are audited less frequently, whereas facilities where more severe non-conformities are identified are audited every three to six months. Between audits, our Responsibility team works closely with facilities to support the implementation of required improvements and to implement systems to prevent modern slavery, as well as to improve the management of human rights and health and safety risks."

Pooja Yadav.....2024-06-02 07:37:25 UTC