Question: Does the company continuously monitor suppliers to ensure that they comply with the company’s policies and local laws?
Audits of suppliers (self- reporting),
Audits of suppliers (independent),
On-site visits (self- reporting),
On-site visits (independent)
Walk Free
Acushnet Group
Verified by Community check_circle

4. Due diligence processes in relation to slavery and human trafficking in its business and supply chains

The Group has a multi-faceted programme for auditing suppliers' compliance with the Group's Supplier Citizenship Policy.

Supplier compliance is monitored by supplier self-assessments, Group questionnaire requirements, Group personnel visits and third party audits. Many suppliers are required to report their compliance (via detailed questionnaire-based reports) with the Policy either annually or bi-annually, depending on their risk profile.

Various types of audits are conducted, including on-site visits by Group personnel. Periodic third-party on-site audits for many suppliers are conducted on each of the eleven categories listed in the Policy. If concerns are identified, suppliers must produce corrective action plans describing how they will resolve issues uncovered in audits. The Group may terminate a supplier relationship if serious non-compliance is discovered (such as child or forced labour) if it is not immediately addressed or if other instances of non-compliance continue.

Lan Tran.....2017-09-01 02:27:44 UTC