
Since human rights also outlines modern slavery. we have considered it.
pg. 7
"ATCO Australia has developed a Human Rights and Modern Slavery Practice (the Policy) that outlines its commitment in respecting human rights and acting with integrity, and managing modern slavery risks within its supply chain."
pg. 9
"In 2021, ATCO Australia continued to build on the modern slavery risk assessments conducted in 2019/2020 and engaged 49 suppliers that operate in industries and/or regions with higher risk of modern slavery to undertake further due diligence assessment through an independent provider (CSR provider), who specialises in corporate social responsibility (CSR) assessments, including labour and human rights. This assessment involves a detailed evaluation of the supplier’s management system (e.g. policies, performance target, reporting, and audit and assurance program).
21 of the 49 suppliers fully completed the due diligence assessments in 2021. The bar graph below shows the assessment results in the area of labour and human rights, and the line graph is the score distribution benchmark provided by the CSR provider."
[[Manali Rana]].....2022-11-08 05:05:51 UTC Data copied from ATCO GAS AUSTRALIA GP PTY LTD for 2021