Question: Does the company continuously monitor suppliers to ensure that they comply with the company’s policies and local laws?
Audits of suppliers (self- reporting),
On-site visits (self- reporting)
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Unverified - Added by Community
updated about 1 year ago by Manali Rana

"In addition to the risk management process outlined above, we continue to meet with our suppliers on a regular basis to ensure that they adhere to our ethical standards, drive innovation and help us build a long-term competitive advantage." - pg. 7


"In collaboration with EcoVadis we have conducted a benchmarking exercise to rate our top 250 suppliers in relation to labor and human rights, particularly we regularly review our supplier performance across a broad range of areas, with corporate responsibility being key. We will be using the supplier sustainability assessment results to set corrective/improvement actions for medium and low." - pg. 7

eca2136.....2022-11-06 16:38:53 UTC

The Company refers to third-party suppliers and not to any independent organization that conducts the audit.

Pg. 5

“These factors determine which third-party engagements are deemed high-risk requiring a deeper level of assessment. Where necessary, third parties are required to answer specific questions about the policy, procedures and controls they have in place to manage Employment Principles risks on AstraZeneca’s behalf, including audits.”

Pg. 7

“For the reporting year ending 31 December 2021, over 13,000 third party assessments were conducted through our Third-Party Risk Management process. In this time period, there were no recorded cases of human rights violations including related to trafficking or slavery among the third parties surveyed. AstraZeneca’s Global Compliance function performs second line monitoring of Third-Party Risk Assessments through sample review to assure that all forms of risk, including Employment Principles risks, have been correctly identified and mitigated as appropriate. Our second line monitoring identified 5 engagements that required more in-depth review and risk mitigation by a contract manager.”

Manali Rana.....2023-03-15 10:12:26 UTC