Question: How does the company assess the risks of modern slavery and trafficking in their supply chain?
Risk-based questionnaires,
Use of risk management tool or software,
Conducting desk research including information from third parties/NGO's,
In Development
Walk Free
MSA risk assessment

"Generally [supplier] on-boarding includes a screening mechanism known as a Supplier Assessment Questionnaire, and depending on the risk assessment outcome, suppliers are monitored (including audits) as part of the monitoring program in place at each division." (p. 32)

In-Development: "Review and further develop frameworks for supplier due diligence across the Group, to further integrate human rights and other considerations into supplier selection." (p. 33)

"Internal audits are robust processes with findings reported to divisional audit, risk and compliance committees and the ARC." (p. 32)

Kristian Jongeling.....2022-12-11 10:51:42 UTC

Pg. 16

“External research is reviewed to assess the risk profile of our divisions and suppliers including:

− Trafficking in Person Report (TIP), US Department of State

− Global Rights Index (GRI), International Trade Union Confederation

− Global Slavery Index, Walk Free

− Corruption Perceptions Index, Transparency International

− Global Estimates of Modern Slavery published by the International Labour Organisation

− Refinitiv customer risk analysis software

− Reports by supplier ethical trade membership organisations such as SEDEX” (Conducts desk research)

Pg. 20

“− Bunnings, Officeworks, Blackwoods, NZ Safety Blackwoods, Bullivants, Workwear Group and Coregas – continued to use the secure Supplier Ethical Data Exchange (SEDEX) platform to share information with tier 1 suppliers covered by their ethical sourcing programs. Information shared includes risk assessments, audit reports and evidence of remediation” (risk assessment tool)

“− WesCEF – has engaged an independent ethical sourcing consultant to review its supplier mapping and support the development of a tiered risk assessment model, to better support the identification and management of ethical sourcing and modern slavery risks.” (In development)

Manali Rana.....2023-01-28 09:37:21 UTC