Question: How does the company assess the risks of modern slavery and trafficking in their supply chain?
Conducting desk research including information from third parties/NGO's
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MSA risk assessment
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pg. 9

"We recognise that certain geographies and sectors are higher risk for modern slavery, so we prioritise our investment research and engagement on this basis. We draw upon a number of sources for insights, for example the Global Slavery Index and the US Department of Labor’s List of Goods Produced by Child Labor or Forced Labor. Internally, our Research Institute has also developed a global Human Rights Index. The index ranks countries across a range of indicators aligned with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). A number of indicators are linked to modern slavery including access to justice, labour, corruption, transparent laws, civil liberties and civil society organisation participation. The index helps us understand which jurisdictions have an increased risk of modern slavery.

Within our private equity and real estate teams, we issue questionnaires to gauge management of human rights issues. These questionnaires are sent to fund managers, property managers and tenants. The responses are then aggregated and compared to better understand our exposure to human rights risks and identify the mitigation actions required.

To support our company-level research, we are rolling out the ASI ESG house score. The score is fully transparent for our teams and can be broken down to focus on management of specific ESG issues, including modern slavery risks in direct operations and in the supply chain."

Singh Anjali.....2021-10-27 07:27:48 UTC

The company reports questionnaires in respect to human rights hence not considered. pg. 11 "We conducted on-desk due diligence on two Australian companies that are direct competitors and operate in a sector that is at high risk of potential labour and human rights violations due to the type of labour used, including agricultural workers, labour contracts (short-term, casual workers), and geographies (supply chain largely based overseas). Based on their public disclosure we sought to understand how they manage risks related to modern slavery." pg. 9 "Within our private equity and real estate teams, we issue questionnaires to gauge management of human rights issues. These questionnaires are sent to fund managers, property managers and tenants. The responses are then aggregated and compared to better understand our exposure to human rights risks and identify the mitigation actions required." pg. 13 "KPI Complete modern slavery risk assessment of suppliers. 2020 progress Our Procurement Transformation programm...

Laureen van Breen.....2022-01-11 17:22:18 UTC

Data copied from Standard Life Aberdeen plc for 2020