Question: How does the company assess the risks of modern slavery and trafficking in their supply chain?
Use of risk management tool or software
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MSA risk assessment
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"We verify that our suppliers comply with our Code of Conduct through use of a risk based system to identify potential areas for concern. The Integrity Hotline, set out above, can also be used to report concerns in relation suppliers and third-party intermediaries. Where a concern is identified a supplier quality audit would be instigated, including corporate responsibility content and compliance with the Code of Conduct, with appropriate actions taken depending on the outcome of the audit." (Pg 2)

Erin Carney.....2022-11-06 20:39:37 UTC

On page 1 the statement introduces their risk management tool. "Detect includes tools to ensure the early detection of any compliance violations and includes our Integrity Hotline. Our Integrity Hotline is a whistleblower tool that offers the opportunity to report compliance violations in a secure matter"(1). This statement shows use of a risk management tool or software. I was unable to find anything on a questionnaire or desk research.

Clarissa Nock.....2022-11-11 18:25:18 UTC