Question: How does the company assess the risks of modern slavery and trafficking in their supply chain?
Risk-based questionnaires,
Use of risk management tool or software,
Conducting desk research including information from third parties/NGO's
Walk Free
MSA risk assessment

On pages 3 and 4, they talk about this topic.

Remy.....2023-04-04 00:05:52 UTC

Pg. 5

“Our third-party risk due diligence and risk assessment tool, Coupa Risk Assess, went live in the UK in January 2022. It further strengthens our due diligence as it automates the collection and analysis of responses from our service providers across all third-party risk domains. As part of the launch of our Responsible Supplier Guidelines in the GTPSO Policy, we now ask our service providers to respond to specific Modern Slavery-related questions”

Pg. 6

“Our forward-looking due diligence assessments have been enhanced through the deployment of new category spend analytics to identify any problem suppliers, being suppliers known or suspected to be connected to Modern Slavery, for follow-up or exit. As in the prior year, a complete review of all 2021 supplier spend with UK and international suppliers within the Group’s UK activities was carried out in January 2022, as evidenced below. The purpose of this review was to reconfirm that no suppliers fall into those categories of goods and services that are known or suspected to be prone to Modern Slavery abuses (‘Problem Categories’), nor present a reputational and humanitarian risk. This review used the Walk Free Foundation Index to review the 2021 spend against the defined Problem Categories and the top 100 countries deemed at risk of Modern Slavery. A link to the Walk Free Foundation can be found here.”

Manali Rana.....2023-06-14 11:43:35 UTC